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True Catholic News
"Weathering the Storm"
By Anthony Acerrano
Sports Afield
Getting caught in an unexpected snowstorm is no joke, whether you’re on foot or in a vehicle. Be prepared for the worst when you’re out and about in winter conditions.
"Snowstorms can blow in fast and hard. In the mountains, thick, wind-driven snowfalls can quickly cut visibility to a few yards or less. Travel–whether on foot, horseback, or even in a vehicle–can be slow, dangerous, or completely halted. Trails and roads become impassable. It’s very easy to get lost, even in familiar country, and if not lost, then simply stranded and forced to survive the harsh elements. ..."
(Click here to read more...)
Feb. 17, 2021
THE TCW STAF 17.02.2021 07:07
"Be Prepared for the Worst in Winter Conditions" - Read more (above) on how to stay safe outside during winter snowstorms.