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"Those persons... will thank God for having preserved
them to witness this glorious triumph of the Church."
Father Nectou was the Jesuit Provincial in the South West of France for many years. The priests who knew him regarded him as a saint and prophet. He prophesied the suppression of the Jesuit Order well before its occurrence in 1773. After the suppression occurred as he predicted, he lived as a secular priest in Poitiers. His public reputation for holiness during this period induced a young grieving mother whose baby had just died to bring it in hope to Fr. Nectou. It was attested by several witnesses that he raised the baby from the dead and returned it to its mother. He died in 1777 (roughly 20 years before the Masonic French Revolution).
The following prophecy on the upcoming 3 Days of Darkness and subsequent Triumph of the Church, was extracted from: "The Prophets and Our Times," by Fr. Gerald Culleton, 1941, pp. 175-76, Imprimatur.
18th Century Prophecy of Father Nectou, S.J:
"When those things come to pass which will bring on the triumph of the Church, then will such confusion reign on earth
that people will think God has permitted them to have their own contrary will and that the providence of God is not concerned about the world. The confusion will be so general that mankind will not be able to think aright, as if God had entirely withheld
his providence from mankind, and that, during the worst crisis, the best that can be done would be to remain where God has placed us, and persevere in fervent prayer.
"Two parties will be formed
in France which shall fight until death. The party of evil will at first be stronger; the good side shall be weaker. At that time there shall be such a terrible crisis that people, frightened by events, shall believe that the end of the world
is come. Blood shall flow in several large cities. The very elements shall be convulsed. It will be like
a little general judgment. A great multitude of persons shall perish in these calamitous times. But the wicked shall never prevail. They indeed shall conspire for the destruction of the Church; but time shall not be allowed them, because
this frightful crisis shall be of a short duration. When all will be considered lost, all shall be found safe.
"During this revolution (Communist?), which shall very likely
be general, and not confined to France, Paris shall be destroyed so completely that twenty years afterwards, fathers walking over its ruins with their children, these will inquire what place that was. To whom they will answer: My child, this was
formerly a great city, which God has destroyed on account of her crimes. Paris shall certainly be destroyed, but before this occurs, such signs and portents shall be observed, that all good people will be induced
to fly away from it. After this most terrible event, everything shall return to order; justice shall reign in the world, and the counter-revolution shall be accomplished. The triumph of the Church will then be so complete
that nothing like it shall ever be seen, for this will be the last victory of the Church upon earth. Those persons who shall behold this last revolution will thank God for having preserved them to witness this glorious triumph of the Church."
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Blessed be St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles!
The Papal Restoration Staff
May. 18, 2013