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True Catholic News
Rare Photo of Pope Pius IX Proclaiming the Holy Catholic Faith to the Flock in Frosinone, Italy (1863)
"[O]ur Holy Father, Pope Pius IX., has declared that Catholics cannot 'approve of a system of educating youth unconnected with the Catholic Faith and the power of the Church, and which regards the knowledge of merely natural things, and only, or at least primarily, the ends of earthly social life.'(1.) Catholic parents cannot approve of an education which fits their children only for this life, and ignores that life in which the soul is to live forever. As faith is the foundation of all our hopes for eternity, and as faith without good works is dead, we cannot choose for our children an education which would endanger their faith and morals, and consequently imperil their eternal welfare."
(From Fr. Michael Müller's book against the public schools, "Public School Education", p. 298, 1872)
(1.) "Hant propositionem auctoritate Nostra Apostolica reprobamus, proscribimus atque damnamus eamque ab omnibus Catholicæ Ecclesiæ filiis veluti reprobatam, proscriptam atque damnatam omnino haberi volumus et mandamus."—Syllabus, Prop. xlviii.
Related Links:
Parents Must Ensure Their Children Receive a Catholic Education
(Extracted from Pius VIII's Brief, "Litteris altero abhinc", March 25, 1830)
Picture of an American Italian Catholic Family w/ 20 Children (1947)
Nov. 18, 2022
Frederick Vollmer 24.11.2022 22:53
The TCW Staff 21.11.2022 20:10
"Catholic parents cannot approve of an education which fits their children only for this life, and ignores that life in which the soul is to live forever." (From Post Above)