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True Catholic News
The Holy Inquisitor, St. Peter of Verona, *shown writing the words "Credo in Deum" (I Believe in God),
in his own blood, while being brutally martyred for the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church
*Detail of the painting: "Martyrdom of Saint Peter of Verona", by Giovanni Battista Moroni (c. 1557)
Today, April 29th, 2024, is the glorious feast of St. Peter of Verona. TCW is posting an official letter from the head of the Dominicans, Fr. Emmanuel Suarez, (written in 1952) commemorating the Seventh Centenary of the Martyrdom of St. Peter of Verona. Here is an excerpt from it:
"... he [St. Peter of Verona] also gathered the laity into a special militia, which he named the Society of the Blessed Mary, to resist bravely the armed attacks of the heretics, and, should the need arise, strenuously defend the faith, even to the shedding of their blood. At Milan likewise he later organized a society of men provided with weapons - and this society after his death was called the Society of St. Peter Martyr - so that its members might repel with force the force of the heretics, if there were need.
But he himself desired to suffer death for the faith, and with earnest supplications he prayed for it as a sign of supreme favor... " (CLICK HERE to read the full text.)
Apr. 29, 2024