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True Catholic News
(On Right): *Jewish Ukrainian "Leader" Vlodymyr Zelensky with Rabbis
(Kyiv, Ukraine May 6, 2019)
"We must put the terrorist in his place! The longer Russia feels impunity, the
more threats there will be to anyone who can be reached by Russian missiles.
Hitting NATO territory with missiles... This is a Russian missile strike against Collective security! This is a very significant escalation. We need to act."
(Words of Vlodymyr Zelensky, Nov. 15, 2022, following the demonstably false report of a missle "attack" on NATO member Poland, by Russia. The missle which crossed the Ukrainian border into Poland [killing 2 people], was determined to have been launched by Ukraine... perhaps from their air defense systems.)
*Note: Vlodymyr Zelensky is a Jew, and therefore by immutable Roman Catholic Church teaching, is ineligible to lawfully exercise public office in any State/Country, as was decreed against all Jews, for all time, by Christ's Vicar on Earth, Pope Eugenius IV: "We decree and order that from now on, and for all time ... Christians shall not allow Jews to hold civil honors over Christians, or to exercise public offices in the State." -His Holiness, Pope Eugenius IV, 1442, Bull. Rom. Pont., V, 67.
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(Prayer from "The Racollta")
Nov. 16, 2022