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CLICK HERE to read: "The Poor Souls’ Friend With Novena Prayers For The Holy Souls In Purgatory", Compiled by A Redemptorist Father, Imp. 1941 A.D.
Prayers and Practices
"What a treasure might be gained for the Holy Souls in a single day if we would but choose our vocal prayers from amongst those specially approved by Holy Church and enriched with such great indulgences! May the prayers here suggested prompt fervent souls to use them for their own benefit, and for the consolation of the Souls in Purgatory.
Prayers for the departed are more acceptable to God than prayers for the living; for the suffering souls are in the greatest need, and cannot help themselves, yet God is anxious to have them with Him." (Extracted from, "The Poor Souls' Friend", p. 5, Imprimatur 1941)
Related Links:
"The Wonders the Holys Souls Perform for Their Friends"
Sr. Lucy on the Importance of Wearing the Brown Scapular (From August 15, 1950)
"Treatise on Purgatory" by St. Catherine of
"Purgatory" by Fr. François Schouppe (Imp. 1893)
Nov. 24, 2020
The TCW Staff 13.11.2022 17:10
Ven. Catherine Emmerich: "The Suffering Souls receive no direct aid from heaven; they obtain everything from the faithful living in this world."