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True Catholic News
Video (10/11/23, C-Span): Chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael McCaul states: "We [US Intelligence] know that Egypt had warned the Israelis three days prior, that an event like this [the Hamas attack] could happen."
"Representative Michael McCaul... spoke Wednesday, confirming what Egyptian intelligence has previously said and contradicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (who denied his government was forewarned by Egyptian officials of a large, imminent attack from Gaza).
'There seems to have been an intelligence failure. We're not quite sure how we missed it. We're not quite sure how Israel missed it,' McCaul said."
(Extracted From: The Daily Mail, "GOP Rep. Michael McCaul contradicts Netanyahu
by saying Egypt DID warn Israel three days before Hamas terror attack", 10/12/2023)
(Note: A critical thinking person should bear in mind historical actions and agendas of peoples/nations, to best understand current events. The Machiavellian ["the end justifies the means'] use of "false flags", can be traced back to the time of Nero in Rome, to the Gulf of Tonkin Incident in Vietnam (1964), and to today. As evidence is coming in on how the horrific events of October 7th, 2023, in the Middle East could have occurred, people of unbiased intellect should welcome the following articles: see here and here. -ED)
Related Links:
*CNN: "Hamas militants trained for its deadly attack in plain sight
and less than a mile from Israel’s heavily fortified border", 10/12/2023
*A CNN investigation analyzing two years of Hamas training videos identified six training camps that the militant organization and its affiliates used to train for Saturday's attacks. Two of the camps were discovered less than 1.24 miles from the most fortified and patrolled section of the Gaza-Israel border, the Erez Crossing. Another camp was found less than half a mile — from the border.
Prophesies Regarding the Coming Great Catholic Monarch
Fact of Tyrannical Conspiracy of Jews Codified by Church
Urban II Preaching First *Crusade at Council of Clermont
Our Lady of Guides: Helper in The (Catholic) Holy Lands
*Note: During the period of the Catholic Crusader control of the Church's Holy Lands, it has been estimated that Palestine had only 1,000 poor Jewish families. Jews fought alongside the Muslims against the Crusaders in Jerusalem in 1099 and Haifa in 1100 A.D.
"He [the Great Catholic Monarch] shall destroy the Jewish and Mohammedan sects."
(Prophecy of St. Bridget of Sweden)
Oct. 12, 2023