True Catholic News

Cardinal Siri of Genoa having an Audience with Pope Pius XII (c. 1955)

"When Pius XII died I was the only candidate for his succession. It was he who designated me, Pope Pacelli. ... It is unimaginable what can happen in a conclave."

(Words of "Cardinal" Siri [Gregory XVII], Interview, Il Lavoro, 1987)

Related Links:

Gregory XVII of Genoa: St. Malachy's Shepherd and Sailor

"A Day for the Genoese: Bp. Siri Blesses the Caboto Ship" (Video clip)

"Christopher Columbus' Great Love for His City of Genoa in Last Will"

"Genoa's Abp. Siri at Seaport with Relics of St. Ampelio" (Video clip)

More Footage of Genoa's Abp. Siri: St. Malachy's "Pastor and Sailor" (Video clip)

Read the principal circumstances of the History of the Genoese Papa, Pastor et Nauta

Final Part of St. Malachy's Prophecy (List of Popes)

Official List of Popes of the Roman Catholic Church

 End Times Papal Prophecy


"Towards the end of the world... the Pope with His Cardinals will

have to flee Rome in tragic circumstances to a place where they will

be unknown... .  The sufferings of the Church will be much greater

than at any previous time in her history." (Brother John of the Cleft Rock)


(To read more of Brother John's famous 650+ year-old papal prophecy, click here.)

St. Michael, Defend Us In Battle!

Jun. 12, 2024

In Today's Catholic World News Blog

(Extract from: "6 Mentioned Most Often As Pope", By Anna Brady [Rome Bureau of The Sun]

The Baltimore Sun Newspaper, October 22, 1958, Page 8 (Baltimore, Maryland, USA)

"Cardinal Siri is also president for Italy of the world-wide Apostolate of the Sea.
This, together with the fact that he is said to come from sea faring stock, makes
him the only Italian Cardinal the ... prophecy of Malachi for the two hundred
sixty-second Pope: "Pastor et nauta" - shepherd and sailor - seems to fit."

(Extract from The Baltimore Sun, *October 22, 1958)

       *Published less than a week before the convening of the 1958 Papal Conclave -ED of TCW