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"Three-quarters of the population of the globe will disappear."
(Marie-Julie Jahenny on the 3 Days of Darkness; Dec. 8th 1882)
" ... the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various
nations will be annihilated." (Our Lady of Fatima, 1917)
TCW thinks Marie-Julie Jahenny, is one of the greatest prophets in the history of the Catholic Church. She had many Saints and Holy individuals appear to her - giving her heavenly instructions to reveal to the true *faithful during this: the usurpation of the papacy by the agents of Antichrist.
*Those who reject the Novus Ordo Sect & their sspx - and the sedevacantist Lie.
We are posting an imperative prophecy received by the favored soul, Marie-Julie Jahenny, on
Jan 17, 1922 from Our Blessed Lord, on the upcoming worldwide 3 Days of Darkness punishment.
Revelation to Marie-Julie Jahenny on January 17, 1922 A.D.
(Source: "Prophecies of La Fraudais of Marie-Julie Jahenny", pp. 243-44)
The Lord says:
will soon arise in all the resplendence of My Justice. I will overturn the earth. I will thunderstrike the guilty soul.
"My little souls, amidst that deluge of terror, you will carry My Cross, were it to be very small or big!
"When frightening, terrifying screaming will come out of the earth, howlings from souls in disgrace, who are not to return to My mercy you shall recite the following prayer:
"I hail, adore and embrace you, adorable Cross of my Saviour. Protect us, guard us, save us. Jesus loved you so much. After His example, I do love you. May your holy image appease my fears! Let me experience nothing but calm and confidence!
"You will experience so many graces, so much strength, that such a deluge will pass over you as though unperceived.
"My children, that strong blow will be a terrible confusion. Those will be days most awful, quite horrible. However, I would not like to frighten you. You will have your *safeguard and a safe shelter."
(Cluzeau documents; January 17, 1922)
*Seems a reference to having a properly blessed candle ["your safeguard" for the Chastisement]. Only a priest in union with the Holy See in exile (i.e. one who has received canonical mission) can properly [efficaciously] bless sacramentals. -TCW
On the Fate of Todays Neo-Schismatic Persecutors of the Papacy
"All past persecutors of the Church are now no more, but the Church still lives on. The same fate awaits *modern persecutors; they, too, will pass on, but the Church of Jesus Christ will always remain, for God has pledged His Word to protect Her and be with Her forever, until the end of time." -St. John Bosco
"I most firmly admit and embrace the apostolic and ecclesiastical traditions and other observances and constitutions of the Church." (From the Professio fidei Tridentinae [Tridentine Creed])
*Stemming from what St. Paul forewarned of in II Thess., II:i-iv (the [1.] revolt and separation - from the True Lawful Pontiff "The Bond of Faith" [Gregory XVII] elected Oct. 26, 1958), the largest body of these persecutors today consists of the schismatic Novus Ordo (& their sspx) - and sedevacantist antipapal sects of perdition.
[1.] "Now a revolt implies a seditious separation from some authority, and a consequent opposition to it. ... this revolt or apostasy is a separation, not from the civil, but from the [1a.] spiritual order and authority. -Cardinal Henry Edward Manning,"The Present Crisis of the Holy See Tested By Prophecy: Four Lectures", pp. 3, 4, 1861 A.D.
[1a.] What is not more clearly evident today of this apostasy from the spiritual order [the Infallible Dogmatic Constitution of the Church], than the decades long "Latin mass sect's" (Anti-Traditional) utter contempt of the [1a1.] Divine Law requiring a papal mandate prior to any episcopal consecration?? -TCW
[1a1.] Note: 35+ years-ago the gifted Catholic apologist William F. Strojie exposed the shallow sophistry of "traditionalists", who pridefully opposed the immutable spiritual order (Divine Catholic Law) - whilst usually filling their pockets - when he penned: "It has been the neatest of diabolic tricks to get both the blind-obedience followers of Paul 6 and the Traditionalists to equate Paul 6 with the Papacy. The first group does this by approving or at least taking part in the destructive program of Vatican II and Paul 6, erroneously taking it to be the Law. The second group looks for a Solution and Leader outside the Papacy, and sets aside such laws of the Church as found opposed to Traditionalist initiatives. One enterprising young Traditionalist priest comes up with NECESSITY KNOWS NO LAW, grossly misrepresenting this from St. Thomas Aquinas, who applies it to a dying man’s need for absolution. This twist of St. Thomas’s “Necessity knows no law” is in complete harmony with Montini’s action in completely ‘revising’ Canon Law." -William F. Strojie,
from his April 27, 1977 Letter No. 21
"It is obvious ... no thought is being taken of the spiritual good ..."
Pope Pius XII, authoritatively quashed the sophistic pleas by "traditionalist" priests that they must obey the “higher law” of providing Catholics with the Mass and Sacraments in his Ad Apostolorum Principis: “What then is to be the opinion concerning the excuse…that [these priests] had to act…because of the need to tend to the souls in those dioceses which were then without a bishop? It is obvious that no thought is being taken of the spiritual good of the faithful if the Church’s laws are being violated... ." (Encyclical, "Ad Apostolorum Principis" [The Prince of the Apostles], by Pope Pius XII, June 29th, 1958)
"laws... the doctrines and precepts of the church are despised ..."
"In this lamentable state of the church, divine and human laws are without force, and made of light account; the doctrines and precepts of the church are despised; ecclesiastical discipline is not better observed by the priests, than political order is maintained by the people. Every one, like the beasts of the field, believes what he pleases, and doth what he wills." (Prophecy of Ven. Holzhauser, 17th c.)
is necessary for salvation that all the faithful of Christ be subject to the Roman Pontiff."
(V Lateran Council)
Relevant Links:
Universal Testimony of The Fathers on the Underground Church (Pope in Exile)
Official List of Successors of Saint Peter (And) Final Part of St. Malachy's Prophecy (List of Popes)
Click: to see how to fulfill your Mass obligation and about valid Confessions during this, the Apostasy.
The Supreme Crisis: "Yet many Christians will remember that this was all foretold of Antichrist for centuries past and perceive the fraud of Satan and refuse to be deceived. They will stand firm and enlighten the faint-hearted and console them." -Venerable Bernard de Bustis (15th c.)
"And I say to thee, 'Thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give thee the keys to the kingdom of heaven.'"
Blessed be St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles!
The Papal Restoration Staff
Aug. 1, 2013
Kathleen Osborne 26.01.2019 22:30
Will there be electricity, cell phones work flashlights
Work?)?)) What do I need to survive during
This time and after the three days of darkness?
Lorraine 15.01.2019 01:53
Please send me any updates God Bless you &your family.
Evelyn Villacorta 22.12.2018 13:17
Please send me updates
rosemarie rolleri 30.04.2020 01:06
I would like any information on the three days of darkness as I just heard about it
Bernadette 15.11.2016 09:17
Hi I live in Australia and I am finding difficulties in finding 72 hour burn time beeswax candles to purchase for the 3 days of darkness. Any ideas ?
Patty W 21.09.2016 23:46
I would like to have any information as it comes into the site. Thank you.
Sheryl 24.05.2016 04:08
Papal Restoration Staff Member 24.05.2016 21:05
Sure, print it out from the post above. It starts with: "I hail, adore and embrace you, adorable Cross of my Saviour. Protect us, guard us, ... "
Anna-Marie Dubuisson 06.05.2016 07:40
How close are we to the three days??
James D.J 06.05.2016 13:32
Hi Anna-Marie! Nobody knows the exact date but if you are able "to read the signs of the times" we can then say that the chastisement is close, very close...
Lance Redden 02.05.2016 15:26
I just want to know if we r close 2 the 3 days of darkness & where does the great mmonarch fit in before or after . ...thanks
James D.J 06.05.2016 13:47
Hi Lance! No doubt we are close to the 3 Days and the Great Monarch
should emerge after the chastisement!
elaine willis 21.09.2015 02:22
Ive been reading about the 3 days of darkness for over 20 yrs now. I never knew there was an exiled pope. Thx for all info
Steve Monk 03.05.2015 17:14
I would appreciate any news on the coming 3 days of darkness
Gregory. Latimer 02.05.2015 21:10
We are very close to the three days of darkness. The riots in Europe and America show this. God's wrath on very sinful men is coming soon. It is God's will.
judith Jones 05.12.2014 04:21
Thank you.
ETHEL 04.04.2014 09:31
Can you help us to prepare for the 3 days of darkness for me and my family. What are we going to do? Where will we go?