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Image: The Holy Sacrafice of the Mass in the Catacombs of Rome
Note: This imperative information is from the Church Approbated, Archconfraternity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary's [excellent] website, - which is not owned or run by TCW:
Baltimore Catechism #3 - Lesson 32
Q. 1245. How are we to worship God on Sundays and holydays of obligation?
A. We are to worship God on Sundays and holydays of obligation by hearing *Mass, by prayer, and by other good works.
*The mention of hearing Holy Mass speaks of a true approbated Mass [by clergy having jurisdiction from
the True Papacy, now in exile] which is terribly difficult to find in these catacomb days. In any serious inconvenience you are not obliged to attend Mass. The obligation to keep holy the Lord's Day, by hearing Mass, the norm in (pre Oct 26, 1958 times), again,
still does not oblige Mass attendance in every instance, and certainly is never imposed upon us "at any price." What is required of us is to perform some additional act of piety, such as recitation of the Rosary, any Church approved prayers/litany, employing
oneself in holy reading, or placing of flowers before a statue of our Lord or Our Lady, and to be focused primarily on the things of God, especially by not profaning His holy day by unnecessary servile labor, etc. One must not attend "prayer services" in common
with those outside the true Church, which otherwise excommunicates the faithful ["No one shall pray in common with heretics and schismatics." -Council of Laodicea; "One must neither pray nor sing psalms with heretics, and whoever shall communicate with those
who are cut off from the communion of the Church, whether clergy or layman: let him be excommunicated." -Council of Carthage].
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They will stand firm and enlighten the faint-hearted and console them."
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"And I say to thee, 'Thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates
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Jan. 4, 2021