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Dear Sir,
I would like to be in valid communion with the true papal successor. I was baptized in the Catholic Church in 1957 when I was two months old. After the end of the Vatican II Council period, I was transitioned into the Novus Ordo religion without realizing it. Several years ago, after seeking the truth, I realized I was not in the Catholic Church. I left the Novus Ordo religion, and made a search for a Catholic Church.
I encountered a few "traditional" religious groups which seemed Catholic; so, I participated in their activities with the idea that bishops and priests can go on autopilot when the Church is in eclipse and hidden. Upon learning more of the truth, I found out this is not so, after encountering the terms "papal mandate" and "jurisdiction," and then "censure." With all this in mind, I left these Traditionalist sects; and, I renounced all the errors of my past.
Right now I am living alone in [...], trying to do everything Catholic. On Sundays, I continue to observe my duties, which includes praying the daily Rosary, and going thru the Mass prayers and readings of the day; in addition, I include the reading of a story of a Saint or some Catholic history. I also pray for the Holy Father and the Church; I include other prayers as well.
[...] I make a perfect act of contrition everyday; yet, I hope I can make a general confession in the near future. With this said, I will do all I can to support the Holy Catholic Church.
In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Reply From Editor
Dear Edward,
Hi. Thank you for your interesting and encouraging letter. That is wonderful that you are a cradle Catholic, born in 1957, before the usurpation of the papacy, by the Freemason Angelo Roncalli & his brethren, at the 1958 Conclave. Deo gratias! you are now back home, within the One True Church (now underground), outside of which there is positively no salvation.
"It is indeed of faith that no one can be saved outside the Apostolic Roman Church; that this
Church is the one ark of salvation; that he who has not entered it, will perish in the deluge."
(His Holiness, The Venerable Pope Pius IX, Allocution Given on Dec. 9th, 1854 A.D.)
Edward, if an opportunity arises for you to receive a True Confession in your area, we will promptly contact you. Keep on doing exactly what you are doing. And thank you very much, for your support in helping TCW disseminate True Catholic content, worldwide.
Time is short. Eternity is forever.
May God Reward You,
The Editor of TCW
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"How to be in Valid Communion with the True Papacy"
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