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Image of Pope Gregory XVII "Siri"
TCW Exclusive:
(Background: The CIA directly oversaw an espionage campaign conducted by the Italian Intelligence Agency *(SIFAR), of The Hostage Pope "Cardinal Siri", which included tapping his phone, from the beginning months of his pontificacy, until the spying was exposed - well into the 1960's. (See 1967 article BELOW: "Tapped a cardinal’s phone, Italy has 'I Spy' probe" -ED). The corrupt Italian government, in a national scandal, was forced to publicly admit to the espionage.)
*"The SIFAR [Italian Military Intelligence] was created on 30 March 1949, when US troops were still in Italy, and just days before Italy joined NATO, in order to guarantee that Italy would remain solid and firm in the anti-Communist camp. ... The American CIA sponsored a large part of the SIFAR budget, and often directed the Italian secret service by remote control from Washington. SIFAR was financed by "the boys in Via Veneto“, i.e. the CIA in the US embassy in the heart of Rome, as Paulo Taviani, Italian Defence Minister from 1955 to 1958, put it." ("Gladio: NATO’s Stay-Behind Armies and Terrorism in Cold War Italy" by Daniele Ganser, November 19, 2004)
SIFAR's Official Emblem
The scandal plagued Italian spy agency SIFAR - worked "hand in glove"
with the Machiavellian United States CIA - which funded and directed it.
The CIA managed, SIFAR, whose original mandate included military espionage on behalf of the Italian army, navy, and air force - began to *meddle more and more in domestic affairs.
*"In a confidential publication the SIFAR was defined as the highest organ of the espionage and counter espionage. ... The SIFAR began to make files on the Italian politicians who (they deemed) could pose a threat... . The activity was conducted with the help of the US officials... . Thus violating the (United States) Secret Service mission (far beyond the task of safeguarding the national security) and violating national sovereignty." ("The History of the Italian Secret Services", by Antonella Colonna Vilasi, 2014)
"One of the SIFAR dossiers allegedly concerned Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, archbishop of Genoa."
(From: "Tapped a cardinal’s phone, Italy has 'I Spy' probe" National Catholic Reporter, May 17th, 1967)
In January 1967 the magazine L’Espresso revealed that the director of the Italian security service (SIFAR) had ordered the compilation of numerous dossiers on leading figures such as politicians, intellectuals, managers, and clergymen, only for some of these secret dossiers to suddenly *vanish. Even today it is not certain who leaked this information to the press. This overstepping of authority occurred with the explicit authorization and support of the American CIA.
"vanish" ? ... Note: After the SIFAR spying scandal got exposed, the decades-long CIA asset, Defense Minister *Giulio Andreotti, ordered the destruction of the dossiers; but before the destruction, Andreotti provided the documents to Licio Gelli (the [*figure head] Master of the secret masonic lodge of the Great Orient of Italy [Propaganda Due, aka P2]).
(Source: "[Italian] Senate of the Republic-Chamber of Deputies, XII Legislature, Doc. XXXIV, N. 1, Report of the Parliamentary Committee for Information and Security Services and State Secrets, § 4.2)
*The reported true head of the P2 Lodge was Giulio Andreotti himself [more on this below]. -TCW
U.S.A. Monument Honoring Italian Freemason Garibaldi
(Washington Square Park, NYC, NY)
Dedicated in 1888, the bronze life-sized statue of Giuseppe Garibaldi, depicts the
Revolutionary standing
upon a granite pedestal, with his right arm crossing his chest
reaching for his sword [symbolic of the bloody war he waged against the Pope and His
Domains (the Papal States), which the satanic Mason merciously
plundered and subjected].
(Note: It is a historic fact that both the U.S. and the Modern Italian state, were founded on Revolutionary/Anti-Catholic principles, such as separation of Church and State, religious liberty, etc., and have had documented Masonic ties at the very highest levels of their goverments - with each other - dating back to the middle of the 19th Century. See: "Pius IX's Enemy Garibaldi Asked by Lincoln to Run (U.S.) Army": "... the rebel (Garibaldi), who in the 1850s had ... travelled through the US, was also a mason. The international masonic lodge successfully lobbied for him to be granted American citizenship.")
See: Declassified U.S. Dept of State Document: U.S. Involved in 1958 Coclave Coup
In 1965, rife with scandal, the SIFAR was reorganized and (merely) rebranded by the Italian government into a new security agency, called the SID - for the Italian nation.
"Tapped a cardinal’s phone
Italy has 'I Spy' probe"
By Desmond O'Grady
National Catholic Reporter
May 17, 1967
ROME - Italy has been having Its own version of a C.I.A. scandal, complete with a shake-up in the Italian security service, heated debate in both houses of Parliament and newspaper speculation of the extent of the spying.
Inevitably, the scandal has its clerical aspects, with charges that the Italian counterespionage organization (SIFAR) at the same time that it had friendly cooperation from the Vatican was also spying on cardinals, bishops and priests.
One of the SIFAR dossiers allegedly concerned Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, archbishop
of Genoa.
The complicated affair also involves spying by other intelligence units... in an official report on the scandal, Defense Minister Roberto Tremelloni admitted:
"In 1959 the peripheral offices of SIFAR were asked to conduct biographical enquiries on eminent men within their jurisdiction and to give precise information on prelates, bishops and priests in various dioceses... After 1960, there were requests for more specific information with particular attention to vulnerable aspects of the persons, such as business deals. Intimate relationships and manifestations of frivolity.” [...]
Graphic & Descriptions provided by TCW - (From L/R):
1. True Pope Elected at 1958 Conclve, Gregory XVII "Siri", The Hostage Pope
2. Mainstream Media's False News / Promotion of Freemason Angelo Roncalli
3. Sacred Relic: St. Peter's [Church's First Pope] Chains that Bound him
One government telephone tap disclosed was on the line of Cardinul Giuseppe Siri when he was president of the Italian episcopal conference. ... This spying, carried out during the office of Tremelloni’s predecessor, Christian Democrat Giulio Andreottl, has been attributed to the unauthorized zeal of a security man. [Yeah right! -TCW]
Tremelloni, a Socialist, said in his report to Parliament that the spying showed there existed official *supervision of ecclesiastical thought and behavior. [...]
*Note: It is an important observation that the episcopal palace in Genoa, Italy, where Gregory XVII ["Siri"] was effectively exiled for his sorrowful reign, had elaborate video surveillance cameras surrounding its perimeter - seemingly years before this type of technology was in common usage by the public sector, (i.e., banks, government institutions, etc.). -TCW
In its investigation. Parliament
has decided that the culprits were the technicians rather than the politicians. [Lol -TCW] It replaced the heads of counterespionage services but absolved the ministers who said they did not know what
was going on in their own ministry. (Extracted from: National Catholic Reporter, Volume 3, Number 29, 17 May 1967)
"Masonry is our mortal enemy." -Pope Pius XI
"What is, indeed, Judeo-Masonry today if not the concentration and mobilization of
all evil forces? This Sect... takes pride in being above all and for all times the enemy
of the Catholic Church... with Tigrotto ... the anti-Catholic plan is expressed thus:
'Let us conspire only against Rome.'" (Mon. Jouin, Speech Against Freemasonry, 1930)
The CIA backed spying on Pope Gregory XVII was carried out during the
office of the Italian Defense Minister Giulio Andreottl (a convicted murderer
& the noted true head of the notorious Freemasonic "P2 Lodge"), who also was a very close contact of fellow craft member, Angelo Roncalli (Antipope John XXIII)
High-Ranking Italian Freemason Giulio Andreotti pictured with the French Revolution slogan of "LIBERTAS" hanging above him
Andreotti was given the detail of the planned coup d'état of
the 1958 Conclave on October 24, 1958, by Roncalli himself
(From: L’Eglise Eclipsé, 1997): "On Friday, October 24, on the eve of the closing [sealing the doors] of the Conclave, he [Roncalli] (1)summoned none other than Giulio Andreotti, the Italian politico who was identified by the widow (2)Calvi as the true head of P2 [Freemasonic] Lodge, to tell him in diplomatic language, of his forthcoming election. (Ibid, p. 395) (Professor Carlo Alberto Agnoli, op. cit.)
(1.) Andreotti confirmed in the Italian 30 Days Magazine that he was received by Roncalli at the Domus Mariae hotel the morning of the opening of the (1958) Conclave. (Source: 30 Days "Paul VI" by Giulio Andreotti August 2004) -TCW
(2.) "Not only was he [Andreotti] accused of being a freemason - by the wife of Roberto Calvi, the banker (and mason) found mysteriously hanged under Blackfriars bridge back in 1982 - but he was accused of being the hidden string-puller behind the lodge to which Calvi belonged. Headed by one Licio Gelli (alias "the Puppetmaster"), the so-called Propaganda Due, or P2, was a secret club whose members included senior figures in the police, the armed forces and the intelligence services as well as Italy's current prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi." (Source: "Prince of Darkness", by John Hooper, The Guardian, February 19, 2009)
Photo taken before the 1958 Conclave (Rome)
The Freemason, Roncalli [2nd to right on steps] is smirking
Cardinal Siri of Genoa [in front on left] looks gravely concerned
"When Roncalli spoke with Andreotti, the Patriarch clearly told him that he knew from the first morning of the Conclave, a few hours before the Cardinal went *from [a meeting at] the Domus Mariae to the Vatican, that he would be the new Pope. Said Andreotti: 'That evening, Msgr. Capovilla telephoned me that the Patriarch [Roncalli] wanted to see me.'
(L.) A.C. Emmerich, (R.) Gregory XVII "Siri"
"...I saw that the Church of Peter was undermined by a plan evolved by the secret sect while storms were damaging it."(Prophetic Vision of Anne Catherine Emmerich)
[Note from TCW: Although under constant surveillance, "Cardinal Siri", in an interview subtly confirmed the illegal (pre-planned) coup by Roncalli, and his fellow conspirators, that they would [most tragically] succesfully execute at the 1958 Conclave, when he said:
*"There was a meeting at the Domus Mariae at which monsignor Tardini and the designated, that is, cardinal Roncalli, took part. What they have said, what they have done I do not precisely know because I did not go there, I was not invited. I believe that in that [meeting] of which there is talk, (I believe, because it did not interest me to know, nor did I investigate), of how much was said to me, it had been decided to promote the election of Roncalli to the pontificate and of Tardini to Secretary of State. But I do not know how much credibility certain Roman voices had; I believe that it is true and enough". (E. Caveterra, Il prefetto del Sant'Offizio, Mursia, Milan 1990, Page 5)]
"The Italian politico [Andreotti] then told of his longtime relations with Roncalli and Roncalli’s friendship with the modernist, Buonaiuti. Then he returned to his conversation with the Patriarch, who wanted to talk about the Conclave. ... Here is Andreotti’s commentary (of his conversation with Roncalli): 'I listened stupefied and embarrassed. I thus knew that Roncalli was sure of being *elected by the Conclave" (Giulio Andreotti, A ogni morte di Papa. I papi che ho conosciuto, Biblioteca-universale Rizzoli, 1982, pp. 65-66)
*implanted -ED of TCW
" was willed and planned for by forces alien to the Holy Spirit."
"Cardinal" Eugène Tisserant
Luciferian Freemason
*"This plan was
also revealed in a letter by Cardinal Tisserant, March 12, 1970,
in which he made a pointed allusion to the 'planned' election of John XXIII:
"The election of the current Sovereign Pontiff was done quickly. It is the election of Jean XXIII, that was discussed at numerous meetings. I do not know of any information on the process was able to be given by anyone after the conclave. Secrecy was imposed even more strictly than ever. It is completely ridiculous to say that any cardinal would have been elected. You understand that I can say no more. My best regards. (Photocopy of the letter published F. Bellegrandi's book, op. cit. p. 30)
"In another letter, Cardinal Tisserant told a priest teaching canon law that the election of John XXIII was illegitimate because it was willed and planned for by forces alien to the Holy Spirit." ('Vita' 18 September, 1977, p.4: 'Le profezie sui papi nell'elenco di San Malachia')-['Prophecies on the popes by Saint Malachy'] These letters confirm that the election of John XXIII really was 'programmed.'"
*Extracted from: L'Eglise Eclipsé par Les Amis du Christ Roi de France, 1997
Gregory XVI Pontifex Maximus
" must labor and diligently take care that the faith may be preserved amidst
this great conspiracy of impious men who attempt to tear it down and destroy it."
(Mirari Vos, Encyclical of Pope Gregory XVI, August 15, 1832 A.D.)
End Times Vision of Papal Prophetess, Ven. Elizabeth Canori Mora (d. 1825)
Ven. Elizabeth Canori Mora on the Neglect of the "Faithful"
"The Church appeared to her [Ven. Elizabeth] standing before the throne of God, supplicating Him to spare her children ... . But the Most High refused to listen, and said to her: "Take the part of My Justice, and judge your own cause." At these words the Church took off all her ornaments, aided by three Angels, executioners of Divine Justice; reduced to this sad state, she became so weak that she could not support herself. Then Our Lord gave her a staff to support herself upon, and a veil to cover her head.
In her desolation she bitterly sobbed, and deplored the solitude in which her children had left her."
(Source: Extracted from the book: "Life of the Venerable Elizabeth Canori Mora", pages 102-103, 1878)
November 27th, 2022
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Nov. 27, 2022