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True Catholic News
(Picture of Vatican Papal Guard, Sistine Chapel, 1922 A.D.)
Cardinal Manning on the persecution during this, the Apostasy: "... the powers of the world will wreak upon the Church of God such a revenge as the world before has never known.
The Word of God tells us that towards the end of time the power of this world will become so irresistible and so triumphant that the Church of God will sink underneath its hand — that the Church of God will receive no more help from emperors, or kings, or princes, or legislatures, or nations, or peoples, to make resistance against the power and the might of its antagonist. It will be deprived of protection. It will be weakened, baffled, and prostrate, and will lie bleeding at the feet of the powers of this world. ...
The writers of the Church tell us that in the latter days the city of Rome will probably become apostate from the Church and Vicar of Jesus Christ; and that Rome will again be punished, for he will depart from it; and the judgment of God will fall on the place from ‘which he once reigned over the nations of the world. For what is it that makes Rome sacred, but the presence of the Vicar of Jesus Christ? What has it that should be dear in the sight of God, save only the presence of the Vicar of His Son? Let the Church of Christ depart from Rome, and Rome will be no more in the eyes of God than Jerusalem of old." (From His Eminence's book, "The Present Crisis of the Holy See Tested By Prophecy: Four Lectures", 1861 A.D.)
Dogma of The Church: According to Christ's ordinance, Peter is to have
successors in his Primacy over the whole Church and for all time. (de fide.)
"It is necessary for salvation that all the faithful of Christ be subject to the Roman Pontiff."
(V Lateran Council)
"Qui mange le Pape, meurt!"
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External Forum
Coming to the Rescue of The Pope in Exile (Our Duty!)
Blessed be St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles!
The Papal Restoration Staff
Ecclesiastical Approbation
In Today's Catholic World ( carries the approbation in writing of the Holy See in exile. It faithfully adheres to the rules for Catholic Journals mandated by Leo XIII in the Apostolic Constitution Officiorum ac Munerum, January 25, 1897 - so heavily re-stressed by Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis, September 8, 1907
Apr. 27, 2015