In Today's Catholic World News Blog

Provides list of "In Today's Catholic World" ( posts from 2013 to Present. For older posts (2005-2012) please click here

More than 60 Videos Posted!

In Today's Catholic World ( and all Web Productions Catholic websites carry the official approbation of the True Petrine Hierarchy.

"Violent hands will be laid on the Supreme Head of the Catholic Church. ...

Yes yes, the flock will become small. Many of you will see those sad times and days

which will bring such evil in their train... ." (End Times Prophecy of Bp. Wittman)


"It is necessary for salvation that all the faithful of Christ be subject to the Roman Pontiff."
(V Lateran Council)

True Catholic News

St. Nicolas of Fluh on Triumph of Exiled Holy Father


Canonization Ceremony of St. Nicolas of Fluh (Rome, 1947) 

Prophecy of St. Nicolas of Fluh (15th c.): The Church will be punished because the majority of her members, high and low, will become so perverted. The Church will sink deeper and deeper until she will at last seem to be extinguished, and the succession of Peter and the other Apostles to have expired. But, after this, She will be victoriously exalted in the sight of all doubters."

(TCW Joined Twitter: June 2024)

The Masonic Usurpers of the Papacy [Antipopes] -
Launched a "New Religion" Opposed to The Faith

  What a True Catholic is...

               It was God's Will to establish a governing hierarchy, emanating from 
            the first Pope, St. Peter [and his lawful Successors], until the end of time.


                  Canons of the Sacraments of Orders (DZ 966, Can. 6): "If anyone says that in the                
                  Catholic Church a hierarchy has not been instituted by divine ordinance, which
                  consists of the bishops, priests, and ministers: let him be anathema [cf. n. DZ 960].

                  A True Catholic is a grateful and humble soul, under
                obedience to the Apostolic Succession of Gregory XVII.      


"[T]he Church shall be... as it was in the beginning, invisible, hidden in catacombs"

(Cardinal Manning, "The Present Crisis of the Holy See Tested By Prophecy: Four Lectures", 1861)

Click Here to Read: St. Hildegard's End Times Prophecy of a

Comet Striking Earth [The 3 Days of Darkness Chastisement]

This is the official website for The Archconfraternity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is owned by a friend of TCW

and has the True Church's approbation.

Our Lady of Perseverance, Pray for us!

L/R: (1.) As a Cardinal, Giuseppe Siri of Genoa, Italy was known to be the handpicked successor of Pope Pius XII. (2.) Papal Conclave on October 26, 1958 at 6:00 p.m., white smoke bellows forth from the Sistine Chapel for five minutes, indicating Siri is elected Pope. He *accepted the office and chose the name Gregory XVII. Then, a freemasonic coup d'etat occurred within the conclave itself - violently "blocking" the newly elected pope. (3.) The ominous reality of Our Lady of La Salette's words, that: "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse...," is now, sadly right before our very eyes.

*The person thus elected [pope] acquires full jurisdiction over the universal Church immediately on consenting, and becomes the Vicar of Christ on earth." ("Canonical Elections" p. 107, 1917, Imprimatur)

October is the Month

the Church Dedicates to the

Holy Rosary & the Holy Angels


  Excerpt from rare 1948 documentary film

on the Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima

and Her message for world peace. Place your curser over video to adjust volume/screen size.

 Featured TCW Posts 

10/03/24: Declassified CIA Document on Commie Penetration of Labor Unions 

06/12/24: The Press (Media) Links Siri with St. Malachi Prophecy Before 1958 Conclave

11/23/23: "Our Lady of Guides: Helper in The (Catholic) Holy Lands"

11/27/22: "Exclusive: CIA Oversaw Foreign Intel Agency Spying on Hostage Pope (Gregory XVII)"

11/22/22: "It is unimaginable what can happen in a conclave." -Gregory XVII ("Siri")

10/17/22: "Satan's Strategy to Annihilate the True Happiness of Man"

08/31/22: "Crucial Information for Single True Catholics Looking to Marry"

08/17/22: "St. Basil: 'those... who give drugs causing abortion are deliberate murderers'"

07/30/22: "Anne C. Emmerich Prophesied Lucifer to be Unchained Mid-20th C."

09/07/21: "TCW Exclusive: Rare Footage of the Oct 26, 1958 Conclave White Smoke"

02/07/21: "See Picture of a Nail of the True Cross which Pierced Christ"

01/23/21: "Letter to Edito: 'Your various articles with documentation... refute those'"

12/30/20: "Marie-Julie Jahenny Prophecies on Hidden King & Clergy"

12/29/20: "How to be in Valid Communion with the True Papacy"

10/25/20: "Catholics in China who Rejected Mao AND V2 Revolutions?"

07/09/20: "More on Gregory XVII's Trusted Cardinal Carlo Taramasso"

03/23/20: "Catholic Prophecy on 'epidemics of unknown diseases'"

11/14/19: "Ven. Elizabeth Canori Mora's 3 Days of Darkness/Papal Prophecy for True Flock"

09/18/19: "Abp. Pintonello Confirmed "Siri" Was Pope (In 1996 Videotaped Interview)"

05/01/19: "Gregory XVII Condemns 'the demolishers' (V2 Sectarians)"

04/18/19 Post:"Msgr. Gaume: Warned of Grave Consequences if Pope Lost Patrimony"

03/13/19: "The Triple Message of Fatima: Part I Penance" (See: Part II Part III)

01/02/19: "20,000 Priests Behind Iron Curtain Killed/Exiled by Reds"

07/26/18: "B.V.M. Prophecy on Pope in Red's Successor Gregory XVIII"

02/04/18: "What Catholic Faith Is" By Fr. Michael Müller, C.SS.R"

09/06/17: "Receive True Sacraments in Italy in December/Christmas!"

03/12/17: "When Usurpers of the Vatican Discovered that the True Pope Spoke Out"

03/09/17: "Top Italian Newspaper la Repubblica Open to Siri Thesis"

03/08/17: "A Call for Help by Hostage Pope (Forbidden Under Pain of Torture/Death)"

03/06/17: "Chiesa viva Magazine Article on Popes Gregory XVII/Gregory XVIII"

03/05/17: "Film Footage of Pius XII's Handpicked Successor Cardinal Siri" (Video)

03/04/17: "'Pius XII said I had to succeed him' -Pope Gregory XVII"

03/02/17: "Fr. Charles-Roux: Siri was Elected Pope & NEVER Abdicated"

12/01/16: "Receive True Sacraments in Latin or Eastern Rites (This Dec.)"

08/08/16: "Receive True Sacraments in Perth, Australia this Month"

06/29/15: "People Must Change Their Thinking in Order to End The Crisis"

06/28/15: "Thuc Admitted He Withheld Sacramental Intention 10 Times"

04/13/15: "Every Man for Himself Sacraments Regardless of the Law"

03/16/15: "Mont Saint-Michel To Be Meeting Place After 'The 3 Days'

02/03/15: "Inquisition Documents on the Reconciliation of a Heretic"

01/24/15: "Fatima Message On Fulfillment of One’s Daily Duty"

11/22/14: "Jurisdiction Protects Against Usurpers and Incompetents"

11/06/14: "Mortal Sin: 'communion' from Papal Mandate Law Violators"

08/30/14: "Declassified US State Dept. Document On Papacy Posted"

03/20/14: "Surviving The 3 Days of Darkness in the Land of St. Anne (Brittany)

09/04/13: "Sedevacantist Bogus Consecrations Condemned by Pius XII"

09/04/13: "True Douay Rheims Destroys Heretical (Feneyite/Protestant) Dimond Bros"

07/29/13: "St. Peter HAS Perpetual Successors (The True Sense of the Dogma)"

07/18/13: "Declassified Document Shows U.S. Involved in '58 Conclave Coup d'état"

06/01/13: "Cardinal Manning's Imperative Book on End Times (Pope in Exile)"

04/28/13: "Liar Lefebvre Signed EVERY V2 Council Document"

04/26/13: "Exclusive: Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser's Visions of End Days"